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Martin Mion-Mouton

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Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Inselstraße 22
04103 Leipzig
Office: G2 07
E-mail: martin.mion [at]

Link to my ORCID record: ORCID iD icon
Link to my papers on arXiv:
Link to my papers on HAL:

Credits: Florian Machot
On his webpage, you will find some beautiful dance and music pictures.

Welcome on my personal webpage !

I am currently a post-doc in Mathematics at the Max-Planck institute for Mathematics in the sciences in Leipzig, working in Anna Wienhard's Geometry, Groups, and Dynamics research group.

I defended my PhD in December 2020 at Strasbourg's University under the supervision of Charles Frances. Until September 2021 I was ATER (temporary teacher and researcher) at Strasbourg's University, and in 2021-2023 I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Mathematics department of the Technion in Haifa, working with Tali Pinsky.

Here is my CV for more informations (updated in march 2024).

Research Interests

I am interested in differentiable dynamical systems in connection with geometric structures, and in the informations (and possible rigidity) that such interactions may give - on the dynamics or on the geometry.

My work is related to the folllowing subjects (whose list is highly non-exhaustive): Here is a short research project written in english in december 2023, describing my past work, and current and future research projects. Here is a longer research project written in french in march 2024.

Publications and Preprints


  1. Rigidity of singular de-Sitter tori with respect to their lightlike bi-foliation.
  2. Reductions of path structures and classification of homogeneous structures in dimension three (with Elisha Falbel and Jose Miguel Veloso). (arXiv:2406.11509, hal-04612815)
  3. Geometric surgeries of three-dimensional flag structures and non-uniformizable examples (with Elisha Falbel). (arXiv:2406.02053, hal-04598551)


  1. Geometrical compactifications of geodesic flows and path structures. Geometriae Dedicata 217(2) (2022), 18. (arXiv:2112.02900, hal-03466455)
  2. Cartan connections and path structures with large automorphism groups (with Elisha Falbel and Jose Miguel Veloso). International Journal of Mathematics 32(12) (2021). (arXiv:2105.02090, hal-03214060)
  3. Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms and Lagrangian contact structures. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 42(8) (2022), 2583-2629. (arXiv:2002.10720, hal-02489310)
The preprint versions may differ with the published ones.

Other documents



I will not teach this year, but you can find in my CV a full description of my many past teaching, supervising and outreach activities.


In 2021, I supervised the master's thesis of Justin Rieber (M2 agrégation), whose subject was Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem. Justin is now a high-school teacher.