Research Interests:

General Relativity, Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

Current Research Focus:

My current research interests lie in the mathematical analysis of the precise structure and asymptotic behaviour of gravitational waves near infinity. I am also interested in classical scattering problems.

Publications and Preprints:

***All arxiv versions are updated regularly.***

  1. (joint with Istvan Kadar) Scattering, Polyhomogeneity and Asymptotics for Quasilinear Wave Equations From Past to Future Null Infinity , arXiv (2025), 160 pages
  2. (joint with Hamed Masaood) The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity V: Early-Time Asymptotics of Linearised Gravity Around Schwarzschild for Fixed Spherical Harmonic Modes, arXiv (2024), 170 pages
  3. The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity IV: Linearised Gravity Around Schwarzschild -- An Overview, arXiv (2024), Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 382: 20230039
  4. (joint with Dejan Gajic) On the Relation Between Asymptotic Charges, the Failure of Peeling and Late-time Tails, arXiv (2022), Class. Quantum Grav. 39 195006 (2022)
  5. The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity III: Early-Time Asymptotics for Higher \(\ell\)-Modes of Linear Waves on a Schwarzschild Background, arXiv (2021), Annals of PDE 8 12 (2022)
  6. The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity II: A Logarithmically Modified Price's Law, arXiv (2021) Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 26 10 (2022)
  7. The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity I: Heuristics and Counter-Examples, arXiv (2021), Ann. Henri Poincaré 23, p. 829–921 (2021)
  8. (joint with V. J. Bolsinger and P. Schmelcher) Quantum dynamics of two trapped bosons following infinite interaction quenches, Phys. Rev. A 97, 013606 (2018)

Oberwolfach report:

PhD Thesis:


During the course of my examination in Cambridge, I also wrote an essay on Weak Cosmic Censorship in spherical symmetry. This essay covers the papers Spherically symmetric spacetimes with a trapped surface by Mihalis Dafermos and The Global Structure of Spherically Symmetric Charged Scalar Field Spacetimes by Jonathan Kommemi. You can find it here.