
Current and past teaching

Universität Tübingen

SS 2023 Seminar on Concrete Algebraic Geometry.
WS 2022/23 Algebraische Kurven - Algebraic Curves.
SS 2022 Reading Group on Algebraic Geometry. (with Thomas Markwig and Jorg Zintl).

MPI-MiS Leipzig

SS 2021 Foundations of Algebraic Geometry.
WS 2020/21 Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves (with Prof. Dr. Rainer Sinn).

HU Berlin

SS 2020 Lineare Algebra and Analytische Geometrie II* (exercise sessions). Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bruno Klingler.
SS 2020 Algebraic Geometry II (exercise sessions). Instructor: Prof. Dr. Gavril Farkas.
WS 2019/20 Lineare Algebra and Analytische Geometrie I* (exercise sessions). Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bruno Klingler.
SS 2019 Zahlentheorie.
WS 2018/19 Analysis I* (exercise sessions). Instructor: Dr. Alexander Fauck.