Peter S. Morfe


I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, supervised by Felix Otto. I was supported by the NSF MSPRF program from 2022 to 2024. Prior to that, I completed my PhD at the University of Chicago in 2022, advised by Panagiotis Souganidis.

Research interests: elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, homogenization, calculus of variations, probability and stochastic processes

Here is my CV.

Publications and Preprints
  1. A Critical Drift-Diffusion Equation: Connections to the Diffusion on SL(2)
    (with F. Otto and C. Wagner) Preprint (2024)
  2. Diffuse Interface Energies with Microscopic Heterogeneities: Homogenization and Rare Events
    (with C. Wagner) Preprint (2024)
  3. Comparison Principles for the Finsler Infinity Laplacian with Applications to Minimal Lipschitz Extensions
    Preprint (2024)
  4. The Gaussian free-field as a stream function: continuum version of the scale-by-scale homogenization result
    (with F. Otto, C. Wagner) Preprint (2024)
  5. The Gaussian free-field as a stream function: asymptotics of effective diffusivity in infrared cut-off
    (with G. Chatzigeorgiou, F. Otto, L. Wang) to appear in Ann. Probab. (2024)
  6. Comparison principles for second order elliptic/parabolic equations with discontinuities in the gradient compatible with Finsler norms
    (with P.E. Souganidis) J. Funct. Anal. (2023)
  7. Hamilton-Jacobi scaling limits of Pareto peeling in 2D
    (with A. Bou-Rabee) Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (2024)
  8. The occurence of surface tension gradient discontinuities and zero mobility for Allen-Cahn and curvature flows in periodic media
    (with W.M. Feldman) Interfaces Free Boundaries (2023)
  9. On the homogenization of second order level set PDE in periodic media
    Preprint (2020)
  10. Homogenization of the Allen-Cahn Equation with Periodic Mobility
    Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations (2022)
  11. A Variational Principle for Pulsating Standing Waves and an Einstein Relation in the Sharp Interface Limit
    Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. (2022)
  12. Surface Tension and Γ-Convergence of Van der Waals-Cahn-Hilliard Phase Transitions in Stationary Ergodic Media
    J. Stat. Phys. 181 (2020): 2225-2256.
  13. Convergence and Rates for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Kirchoff Junction Conditions
    NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 27-10 (2020): 1-69.
  14. Limiting distributions for countable state topological Markov chains with holes
    (with M. Demers, C.J. Ianzano, P. Mayer, and E.C. Yoo) Discrete and Cont. Dynam. Sys. 37-1 (2017): 105-130.