DrSci. Boris Khoromskij
Invited talks and other presentations (since 2009)
- GAMM Workshop on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Uni. Wuppertal, September 9-10, 2013.
Recent progress in tensor numerical methods: superfast data transforms.
- Workshop on Singularities and Integral Equations, Uni. Rennes, France, 29-30.08.2013 (invited).
Tensor methods for fast multidimensional integration in Hartree-Fock calculations.
- ENUMATH-2013, Lausanne, 26-30.08.2013.
Overview on quantized tensor approximation methods for multi-dimensional PDEs.
- Summer School CEMRACS-2013, Modelling and simulation of complex systems:
stochastic and deterministic approaches. CIRM, Marseille-Luminy, France, 25.07.2013 (invited).
Tensor Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing: Basic Theory and Initial Applications.
- CISM Summer School on Separated representations and PGD based models:
Fundamentals and applications. Uni. Udine, Italy, 08-12.07.2013 (invited).
Five Lectures on Tensor Numerical Methods: Bridging Multi-linear Algebra and Scientific Computing.
- Preconditioning-2013, Uni. Oxford, 19-21.06.2013.
Preconditioning of elliptic operators in higher dimensions.
- MAFELAP-2013, Uni. Brunel, London, 15.06.2013.
Super-fast solvers for PDEs discretized in the quantized tensor spaces.
- CECAM, Tensor network algorithms in computational physics and numerical analysis, ETH Zurich, 15-17.05.2013 (invited).
Tensor numerical methods for the large-scale problems in electronic structure and dynamical calculations.
- Math Colloquium at the Braunschwieg University of Technology, 24.04.2013 (invited).
Tensor methods for stochastic/parametric PDEs.
- Daylong Compact Seminar at the MPI MiS, Leipzig, 17.04.2013 (invited).
Quantized tensor approximation of logarithmic complexity:
Unified multi-resolution approach to solve d-dimensional PDEs.
- University of Oxford, Comp. Math. and Applications Seminar, 28.02.13 (invited).
Introduction to tensor numerical methods in higher dimensions.
- Workshop on Algorithms for high-dimensional problems in quantum chemistry,
Uni. of Southampton, UK, 26.02.2013 (invited).
Super-fast solution of multivariate and parametric equations.
- Workshop on Algorithms for high-dimensional problems in quantum chemistry.
Uni. of Southampton, UK, 25.02.2013 (invited).
Introduction to the efficient tensor representation of functions and operators.
- Math. Colloquium of SimTech, Uni. Stuttgart, 31.01.2013 (invited).
Tensor numerical approximation to multi-dimensional steady-state and dynamical problems.
- Workshop on tensor methods, TU Berlin, 24-25.01.2013 (invited).
Super-fast multivariate transforms in advanced tensor formats.
- Colloquium of CERMICS, INRIA, Paris, 18.12.2012 (invited).
Grid-based tensor methods in electronic structure and dynamical calculations.
- SPP-1324 Workshop, Eisenach, 28.11.-30.11.2012.
Recent results on QTT-based approximations in computational quantum chemistry.
- UPMC Sorbonne, Paris, Math. Department, 26.11.2012, (invited).
Tensor numerical methods of logarithmic complexity for multi-dimensional applications".
- FEM12 Conference, Chemnitz, 23-26.09.2012.
Tensor numerical methods for multi-dimensional PDEs".
- Workshop on "Entanglement, tensor networks, and quantum chemistry``,
MPI on Complex Systems, Dresden, 03-05.09.2012.
Numerical methods in quantized tensor spaces with focus on electronic and molecular structure calculations.
- Mini-symposium ``Tensor Numerical Methods`` ,
at CMAM12 Conf., FU Berlin, 30.07-03.08.2012 (invited).
Fast numerical solution of high-dimensional PDEs in quantized tensor spaces.
- Math. colloquium of the Uni. Osnabruek (Germany), 11.07.2012 (invited).
Super-fast multi-dimensional convolution and Fourier transforms in quantized-TT format.
- Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Seminar
Leipzig, 12.06.2012.
Tensor Numerical Methods for Multidimensional Problems of Scientific
- Mathematical colloquium on tensor methods. University of Leuven
University of Leuven, Belgium, 02.05.2012 (invited).
Advanced Numerical Algorithms in Quantized Tensor Spaces.
- Mathematical colloquium of the Charles University of Prague,
Prague, Czech Republic, 26.04.2012 ( invited),
Efficient Numerical Tensor Approximation of Multi-dimensional PDEs.
- GAMM-28, Analysis and Numerical Methods in Higher Dimensions,
Leipzig 16-18.01.2012.
Numerical Methods in Quantized Tensor Spaces: Scope, Approximation, Applicability.
- Workshop 4 at RICAM, Uni. Linz:
Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Problems and Stochastc Modeling,
Linz, Austria, 12-16.12.11 (invited).
Tensor Numerical Methods for Stochastic PDEs.
- SPP-JT11, 3rd Annual Meeting of SPP 1324, Eisenach, 16-18.11.2011.
Scientific report on the current project.
- Dagstuhl-Seminar 11451: Data Mining, Networks and Dynamics,
Dagstuhl, Germany, 07-11.11.2011 (invited).
Tensor Computations for Dynamical Problems.
- SimTech Symposium: Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Applications, Simulations.
Uni. Stuttgart, 05.10-08.10.2011 (invited)
Tensor Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing.
- Postgraduate Summer School: Numerical Linear/Multilinear Algebra and Applications,
Uni. Rome ``Tor Vergata``, Italy, 26.09-30.09.2011 (invited)
Lecture course: Multilinear Algebra in Tensor Numerical Methods (6 h.).
- ENUMATH-2011,
Leicester, UK, 05.09-09.09.2011
Novel Numerical Methods for High-dimensional PDEs
based on QTT Tensor Formats.
- Workshop on Stochastic PDEs,
HIM Bonn, 08.08-10.08.2011 (invited)
Tensor Approximation in Parameter Dependent and Stochastic Elliptic PDEs.
- Workshop on Tensor Methods,
HIM Bonn, 01.08-05.08.2011
Tensor Numerical Methods in High-dimensional PDEs: Prospects and Limitations.
- HDA-2011 Conference,
Bonn 26.06-30.06.2011
Quantics-TT Approximation on a Class of Multivariate Functions
- Oberwolfach, Germany, 23.05-27.05.2011 (invited)
Quantized-TT Approximation for Fast Solution of High-dimensional PDEs
- GAMM-2011,
MPI MIS Leipzig, 26.01-28.01.2011.
Tensor Calculus of Multivariate Functions and Operators.
- TU Muenchen, 21.12.2010 (invited).
QTT-DMRG Methods for High-dimensional SPDEs and in Quantum Molecular Dynamics.
- NASPDE-2010,
BA Freiberg, 20.09.2010.
Tensor-structured Methods for Parameter Dependent and Stochastic Elliptic PDEs.
- SVA tri-lateral workshop, Germany-France-Russia,
Nice, France, 08.09.2010 (invited).
Quantics-TT method: Functional/operator Calculus and Initial Applications.
Pisa, Italy 21.06-25.06.2010.
Quantics-TT Method in High-Dimensional Scientific Computing.
- Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, Uni. Heidelberg,
05.07.2010 (invited).
Quantics-TT Method in High-Dimensional Quantum Molecular Dynamics.
- Trilateral Workshop, ``Leipzig-Berlin-Moscow'',
MPI MiS Leipzig, 03-05.05.2010.
Prospects of Tensors Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing (organizer).
- GAMM 2010
Leipzig, 24.02.2010.
Quantics-TT Approximation of N-d Tensors in High-dimensional Applications.
- Helmholtz Center M\"unchen,
M\"unchen, 03.12.09 (invited).
Tensor-Structured Numerical Methods: Applications to Data Representation.
- Leipzig-Berlin Seminar,
TU Berlin, 27.11.09 (invited).
First Experience with Quantics-TT Approximation in Higher Dimensions.
- WIAS, Mathematical Seminar,
Berlin, 26.11.09 (invited).
Tensor-Structured Methods in Multidimensional Numerical Modeling.
- Uni. Tuebingen, Mathematical Seminar,
Tuebingen, 22.10.09 (invited).
Prospects of Tensor-Structured Methods in Electronic and Molecular simulations.
- ENUMATH 2009,
Uppsala, Sweden, June 29 - July 03, 2009.
Tensor-Structured Numerical Methods for Elliptic Problems in High Dimension.
- RMMM 2009,
HU Berlin, June 24-26, 2009.
Adaptive Tensor-Structured Approximation: Toward Reliable Methods in High Dimension.
- TRICAP 2009,
Nuria, Spain, June 15, 2009 (invited).
Novel Tensor-Structured Numerical Methods for Solving Multidimensional Equations.
- Seminar of Mathematics Institute,
University of Augsburg, June 5, 2009 (invited).
Tensor Numerical Methods in Modern Multidimensional Applications.
- TU Berlin, May 9th, 2009 (invited).
Introduction to Tensor-Structured Approximations in DFT.
- MPI MIS Evaluation (2007-2009), April 20th, 2009.
Tensor Numerical Methods: Basic Theory and Modern Applications.
last modified 10.04.2013
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